What We Offer…
As the economic picture improves, many companies are looking with both promise and concern at what the future will bring. With tight budgets, management in enterprises of all sizes are evaluating their technology needs with a fine-tooth comb, and rightly so. Many companies have not found the return on investment or the operational and financial successes promised them given the vast and expensive “enterprise solutions” of recent years. It stands to reason that companies of all sizes should be closely regarding the results of the difficult and frequently disastrous experiences of their peers who have already invested precious funds and other resources in failed initiatives.
HAF Technology Solutions, Inc. has a very simple offering for those companies seeking to salvage past technologic disasters, those that have observed the failures of their contemporaries, and those that are committed to avoiding the same mistakes.
A Little History…
HAF Technology Solutions was founded in 1997 and incorporated in 2013. In the course of time, we discovered that our core skill-set embodies what most technology services and consulting companies lack, a deep understanding of customer requirements coupled with an extensive background in sales, service, marketing, operations and the solutions that deliver a better, more effective way of doing business. We merged these concepts into the creation of HAF Technology Solutions, Inc.
iCRM and HAF Commitment…
At the heart of our iCRM methodology is HAF’s concept of the “Customer Advocate”. This commitment defines the nature of the interaction we have with our customers, and it drives our unique and productive business model. Of the top-tier CRM solution providers, our primary focus has been with Salesforce, a partnership established in 2012. It is important to note that there are numerous CRM vendors to choose from, and based on our experience, we feel Salesforce has a very strong, dynamic offering that fits well with most companies and across most industry verticals. However, as the term suggests, “Customer Advocate” places a top priority on customer satisfaction from an unbiased perspective. In other words, HAF is vendor agnostic, and we strongly suggest our quantitative vendor evaluation analysis, Proofs of Concept and comprehensive ranking as a critical tool in vendor selection. This way the evaluation process is driven in the interest of customer-based objectives, not vendor motivation.
iCRM Collaborative participation…
…will always pay forward for all concerned parties; our customers, our partners, our customer’s partners and even HAF team members. Sure, we rely on the respective expertise and skill sets of partners, but we blend those capabilities with the best judgment of our customers and the value-add provided by HAF Technology Solutions. HAF accesses a broad bandwidth of technology offerings, but collectively we all can offer the best combination of product, service and skill-sets to ensure an optimum engagement outcome.
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